Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

No Body's Perfect

Every human being has been given a lot of grace from God, Smart or Not depending on how to face it, don't you ever to feel inferiority and hopeless because you don't  feel smart enough,  although you've been trying to reach It. I Ever felt like this before. until I realise that I've another skill that maybe not all the people can do this. a few years a go, I was Sick, Stroke it make me a Little bit of Amnesia, I always forgot of everything, I Was Hopeless, every days I Was Eat some Medicine to improve my memory ability and get normal soon, I just wanna cry If I Cant remember anything even a small thing, I've to remind  many times the name of new people or a new thing. I'm jealous of someone else , I feel So Stupid at that moment. Until I saw some one who's feel very smart(the age is about 25 years old)  angry with an old man with sarcasm and screamed (65 years old) , an old man has a lower grade than she is , I feel so sad. Then I Realise, thanks God, I'm afraid to be like her If having high Intelligence but low behavior and so Arrogant. maybe Not All, but it's just one of an Example of Reality life  that it Could make change my  mind, No Body's Perfect.

Today with all My weaknesses I feel grateful, I Always reading,seeing, browsing something beautiful, although its difficult for me to learn about a formal education, hard to memorizing. But when I Browsing, seeing, learning about something Beautiful, I realise that it could improve my ability in art,  make me more creative  than before....and who knows with this ability, god will give me another bonus that  it Could replace my current job and make a lot of money.. so I can stay together with my husband... Thanks God

Senin, 03 Mei 2010



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